Extranjero que a t铆tulo personal haya invertido la suma m铆nima de B/.60,000.00 en la industria agropecuaria o de acuicultura. Dichas actividades ser谩n determinadas en rubros que el Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario considere sea de inter茅s nacional. El Permiso ser谩 por per铆odos bianuales hasta un total de seis (6) a帽os. Para incluir dependiente debe adicionar la inversi贸n de B/.500.00 por cada dependiente, la cual puede justificarse por referencia bancaria local.
Foreigner who personally has invested the minimum sum of B/.60,000.00 in the agricultural or aquaculture industry. Said activities will be determined in items that the Ministry of Agricultural Development considers to be of national interest. The Permit will be for biannual periods up to a total of six (6) years. To include a dependent, you must add the investment of B/.500.00 for each dependent, which can be justified by local bank reference.