Soluciones Migratorias

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Podr谩 solicita esta visa el Extranjero que reciba jubilaci贸n o pensi贸n por parte de gobierno extranjero, organismo internacional o empresa privada, que ingresen al territorio nacional para radicarse en 茅l y cuenta con suficientes medios econ贸micos para sufragar todos su gastos de subsistencia y los de sus dependientes en el pa铆s. La renta o pensi贸n mensual no podr谩 ser inferior a mil balboas (B/.1,000.00) y debe estar concedida en forma vitalicia.

This visa may be requested by the Foreigner who receives retirement or pension from a foreign government, international organization or private company, who enters the national territory to settle in it and has sufficient financial means to cover all their subsistence expenses and those of their dependents. in the country. The monthly income or pension may not be less than one thousand balboas (B/.1,000.00) and must be granted for life.
